Bag of Randomness for Friday, May 31, 2024

  • I’m all for watching every Mavericks playoff game, but I can’t be the only one sick and tired of Wing Stop’s commercial that starts out with, “No flex, zone!”
  • The Cowboys haven’t made it to the Super Bowl or played in the NFC Championship game since 1996, but the Mavs have made it to their league’s championship series three times. If you told me that in 1996, I would have said you’re nuts.
  • How crazy is it to buy an NBA franchise in December and for them to go to the Finals that season. Our new owner is the epitome of a spoiled, bratty, rich kid. But that’s harsh, I know nothing about the guy and said all the right things accepting the conference trophy.
  • I don’t often clip coupons, but I saw some from Arby’s that I thought I should get the scissors out. After clipping a few, a warm childhood memory came to mind. I thought of how the sunlight would hit my mother on Sunday mornings as she clipped coupons, doing what she could to provide for the family.
  • Well, this was a great idea.

  • Has the media even tried interviewing any Alito neighbors at either property?
  • DaughterGeeding turns 14 today. She’s your typical teen. Dad is no longer cool. It’s kinda hard.
  • A father and bride forgo the traditional dance at the wedding reception and instead pull a Ray Kinsella and decide to “have a catch.”
  • I have a few Canadian readers. I keep in touch with one of them on a normal basis, and we often ask questions about each other’s cultures. Yesterday, after the verdict, he made me laugh by sending this text, “Donald Trump is a convicted felon, so he’s not allowed into Canada.” Later, I saw a tweet state convicted felons are barred from voting in Florida. If true, and if I understand correctly, that would probably mean Trump will be the first presidential candidate not to vote in his election. He probably won’t need his own vote, I just have this feeling we’re gonna get a second (and maybe third, regardless of the Constitution) Trump term.
  • This meme, or whatever you call it, was popular on Twitter yesterday.
  • “As it turns out, character DOES matter. You can’t run a family, let alone a country, without it. How foolish to believe that a person who lacks honesty and moral integrity is qualified to lead a nation and the world!”
  • I’ve written about my pastor friend and his pastor father losing the matriarch of the family and how impressed I was at how the father was handling the loss of his wife of 51 years. Well, judge isn’t the right word, but I was too quick to judge him from what I saw at her funeral. I was so impressed with his joy and gratitude, but should have known better. He is also human, and the toughest moments come when everyone goes home, and you adjust to the new normal.
  • I’ve noticed that someone always states the player’s name in every commercial featuring a WNBA player. That’s because they don’t have much celebrity status, and name-dropping is a must if you want the viewer to connect. That makes me question if the company has hired the right spokesperson. That sort of thing doesn’t happen to a LeBron James, Steph Curry, or Serena Williams. Right now, the only Caitlin Clark commercial I’ve seen is of her wearing her Iowa uniform.
  • I’ve always been that person who will napkin blot the grease from a pizza like nobody’s business.
  • A friend sent me a YouTube video of a sermon about how if things don’t go right in your life, then you focus on the “next best thing.” One example in the sermon was a divorced parent not getting as much possession time as they’d like. Later in the day, I watched a video on the history of the Batmobile. Stay with me here. In a 1950 comic, Batman wrecked the car he was driving and broke his leg. He couldn’t fight crime with a broken leg, but while recuperating, he did the “next best thing” and designed and made the Batmobile.
  • It’s nice to see a regular Joe get a moment in the spotlight. The music starts at the 3:25 mark.

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