Your BagOfNothing for Thursday, June 13, 2024

  • I was shocked to learn that our nation’s first Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, died by suicide from fatal injuries sustained after falling out of a sixteenth-floor window at Bethesda Naval Hospital.
  • I never thought I’d be that person who found out he was subscribed to a service and did not know about it for months, maybe even years, and not notice it. But here I am eating some humble pie. One of the kids subscribed to Amazon Music, and I never looked at my account statements or history closely enough. Well, at least I caught it now and not later.
  • Kentucky Ford Dealership That Sold Crashed Super Duty Truck As New Fined $160,000A Ford dealer in Kentucky has been fined after it crashed a 2023 Super Duty truck then tried to sell it off as a new vehicle.
  • Well, so much for the Mavs.
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