Bag of Randomness for Friday, April 14, 2023

  • Today is my friend Jimi’s birthday. As a kid, he would remind everyone that it was his birthday, and it was easy to remember because it was the day Lincoln (Abraham, just in case you were wondering) got shot, the Titanic hit the iceberg, and the day before taxes are due. Sadly and unpredictably, it would also become the day his father will tragically die from falling multiple stories while on the job. Today is also my surgery day. Jimi hardly ever tells me he loves me, but last weekend he indirectly told me by saying enough bad stuff has happened on his birthday and I shouldn’t add to it.
  • While the ex and I haven’t buried the hatchet, things have cooled down. She will sometimes ask me to help drive the kids to and/or from practice if there’s a conflict, and has sat next to me the last couple of games. We don’t talk about much (there’s a lot I want to talk to her about, trust me) but at least the kids don’t have to look for their parents in two different areas.
  • I’ve forgiven her for a lot of things, but not sure how I can do so for her breaking up our family or alienating the kids from me.
  • The ex and I have coordinated a little bit regarding the transportation of our kids and my surgery and recovery.
  • I’ll be honest, I’ve become more scared as the surgery date approached. I’m sad I’ll wake up from surgery without any family there and scared of going through the recovery alone. Sure, I was able to handle things after my neck surgery just fine, but it’s easier to get around and do things with a bad neck than a bad back. At least it’s an opportunity to build on courage or something like that.
  • Panhandle news – 18,000 cows killed in explosion, fire at Texas dairy farm may be largest cattle killing ever
  • When I was a kid growing up in Mineral Wells (shout-out to the police officer from there who’s a regular reader) I didn’t take the bus to school, but would ride it a lot for sporting events. I have a lot of good memories of riding in school buses, and it was a unique way to bond with friends. That came to mind as my son went on a field trip yesterday. Due to logistics and how their charter school manages things, the only time they ride a school bus is for field trips. So, once or twice a year. A part of me thinks my kids are missing out. I’m also trying to imagine how uncomfortable a two-hour ride in one of those things would be for me nowadays.
  • I’ve been trying to find another book to read. It will be a good tool to use to pass the time as I recover. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to stick to history and biographies, sports or politics related, switch to something motivational, or find something spiritual. I finally landed on Phil Jackson’s book, Eleven Rings: The Soul of SuccessYup, the Zen master of basketball. It hits all the marks except for politics, but I could tap the brakes on that for a bit. I forgot he’s the son of a preacher. It will be interesting to learn how and why he moved from Christianity to the Zen life, as well as to get some nice Jordan, Shaq, and Kobe stories.
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Bag of Randomness for Thursday, April 13, 2023

  • If you haven’t given ChatGPT a try, you should before you start falling behind. It’s easier than you think, you just need some writing prompts. Here’s a Twitter thread that should get you started – 10 essential ChatGPT prompts to future-proof yourself. But here are a few examples of what you would put in it:
    • “Explain [insert topic] in simple and easy terms that any beginner can understand.”
    • “Analyze the writing style from the text below and write a 200 word piece on [insert topic]”
    • “You are a customer service representative dealing with a customer upset about a late delivery. Write a 100 word apology email offering a 20% discount.”
    • “I am interviewing for [enter position]. Can you give me a comprehensive list of questions interviewers will ask me during this interview. Also provide brief answers to each question.”
  • In case you are wondering what ChatGPT is short for, it’s Chat Generative Pre-training Transformer. Now, go impress your friends (or enemies).
  • Some folks aren’t able to get into ChatGPT and have to settle to be on a wait list, so here are some alternatives – 25 Best ChatGPT Alternatives in 2023 (Free and Paid).
  • If you think my writing style has improved (people at work have recently complimented me) my secret is using QuillBot to rewrite sentences. It has extensions for both Chrome and Word.
  • Meanwhile, in ArkansasThe application form you must fill out to be considered for a post on state boards and commissions includes this question: “What is an accomplishment of the Governor’s that you admire the most?”
  • Tired of waiting, Arnold Schwarzenegger fills a pothole in his LA neighborhood
  • Detecting stress in the office from how people type and clickResearchers at ETH Zurich have developed a model that detects workplace stress just by how people type and move their computer mouse.
  • Federal Tax Dollars Paid And Received By Each State, Mapped
  • The guy who played Dwight in The Office was on a flight recently and the person next to him was watching the show.
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Bag of Randomness for Wednesday, April 12, 2023

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Bag of Randomness for Tuesday, April 11, 2023

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