Bag of Randomness for Friday, March 31, 2023

  • It’s interesting how Tom Cruise and Harrison Ford have never worked together. They both love to fly, so they should do an airplane movie.
  • Who’s fits the role of “movie star” better, Tom Cruise or George Clooney?
  • A special shout-out to longtime reader AndreaJN. I just wanted to say I was thinking of you, I hope all is well. You have been such an encourager, I appreciate it.
  • Another special shout-out to longtime reader and radio personality Mr. D.Wilhite. Thanks for making me feel I add value to the world.
  • There’s one reader I really admire but fear I have let him down or disappointed him with the divorce and how I handled things post divorce. I fear he now thinks less of me.
  • I need someone to teach me how to view and participate in Facebook marketplace. I’m not on Facebook personally, but created a “dummy” account to  view and participate in my kids’ school activities. It’s so foreign to me.
  • I haven’t spoken to my brother since 2006. Recently, I did a Google search on him and found his LinkedIn profile. I’m proud of his professional accomplishments.
  • One silly reason I don’t have a LinkedIn profile is that I fear my brother looking it up and being disappointed in me. Weird, huh, how I still care about what he thinks about me? I suppose one day I’ll grow enough that I won’t care what others think of me.
  • I wish I would stop comparing myself to others. I do it constantly.
  • Kirkland church forcing employees to tithe 10% of salary, lawsuit underway
  • I’m not a fan of standing in lines.
  • It’s quite the adjustment getting used to wearing eyeglasses. I don’t know how you people do it.
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Bag of Randomness for Thursday, March 30, 2022

  • DaughterGeeding had another softball game yesterday, and once again started at second base. She was able to field one out and got on base twice from walks.
  • I’m worried the ex might be up to something. She was exceptionally friendly and stood next to me at our son’s soccer game. Perhaps I shouldn’t be so cynical. But when she’s around, I feel like there’s this big elephant in the room. She doesn’t see it, but it is distracting the heck out of me, and I want to address it. But, if I do, then that will destroy what progress we’ve made working together as parents.
  • I was looking at some glasses recently and I saw something called “Asian Fit“. I had no idea what that was and had to look it up:
    • Asian fit eyewear has thicker nose bridges. This enables them to be fitted with thick nose mount pads specifically designed to lift the frames off of your cheekbones and allow them to rest comfortably higher on the nose.
    • The lenses are shorter and wider, preventing them from touching your eyelashes and keeping both the frames and lenses from hitting your cheeks.
    • The frame curvature is reduced to keep the frames from touching your temples, ensuring they stay straight and upright.
  • Think on this: What’s your long-term vision for your life, and how can you make it happen?
  • Try this: Hug someone you love today (your cat, dog, or even yourself are all excellent options!) and remind them how grateful you are that they exist.
  • I’m so proud of my old friend, Jesse. He’s the son of my pastor in Mineral Wells. He, himself, has been a pastor for over 20 years and now he’s serving the community of Weatherford as a police officer. The social media team of the police department recently did an interview with him.
  • 17 People Share the Best Things They Learned in Therapy
    • 7. Sort your anxieties into fiction and non-fiction
      • I have anxiety, and when I first admitted to myself that I needed some tools to figure out how to live with it, I went to a cognitive behavioral therapist for a few sessions. She said, ‘Pretend you’re in a library. Now find the non-fiction section. Go there. Ignore the fiction section—you don’t need that one. Stay in non-fiction and start to list the things you know are true. It’s likely you’ll soon see that most of what’s causing you anxiety is stuff from the fiction section. But you’re not in that section, so stick with the facts!’ Something about visualizing a fiction and non-fiction sections resonated SO deeply with me. For starters, the concrete visualization exercise takes me to a more meditative place right away, which distracts me from the physical anxiety sensations I feel. And then, once I start sorting [my anxieties into] fact or fiction, I start to see that a lot of what I’m anxious about is conjecture.”
  • Egg yolk – Scientists identify secret ingredient in Leonardo da Vinci paintings
  • Hipster ’80s-style roller adult oriented skating rink to wheel into Dallas Design District
    • It’ll boast an ’80s cyberpunk atmosphere, with a disco ball DJ booth in the center and state-of-the-art sound systems. Skaters will skate on custom-made Ride On skates and be able to simultaneously enjoy craft cocktails and mocktails. Outside of the rink, amenities will include an arcade, lounge, restaurant, and bar.
  • Texas lawmakers discuss bill that could levy $10K fine for schools, teachers celebrating Pride week
  • Texas House passes proposal that would do away with taxes on tampons and baby products
  • Since 2020, more than 100 companies have relocated to Texas – 40% from California
  • It’s going to be interesting to see our society adjust to AI. How comfortable and how much will we trust it? For some reason, I’m comfortable with self-driving automobiles that use AI, but not when it comes to dental work.
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Bag of Randomness for Wednesday, March 29, 2023

  • DaughterGeeding is having a fantastic week. I bet it’s one she’ll remember the rest of her night. Not only will she be attending the Taylor Swift concert in just three more days, but she had the best softball game of her life. Remember, she a seventh-grader who attends a small charter school, so she plays with and against high schoolers. Yesterday, very unexpectedly, the coach moved her from right field to starting at second base. You may recall she played last year, but she never got on base. Well, yesterday she not only got her first hit (ever) she even got an RBI. It was a solid hit, too. The ball went about 10-feet in the air and landed in that pocket between the short stop and left fielder. She also fielded exceptionally well. The ball was thrown to her several times for the last out of two innings and she threw a runner out. I’m just so happy for her. What a confidence builder. I don’t know why her mother couldn’t make the game, and wanted to provide her updates, but she doesn’t want that kind of relationship. But I’m happy I was there to see her very first hit and her first game playing infield.
  • BoyGeeding also had a soccer game yesterday. He had a good game, it was their first non-loss of the season. His team has been losing by five or more goals, but this game was tied one to one.
  • 68% of people said virtual mental health appointments enabled them to seek therapy when they didn’t have the time or resources to meet in person.
  • I would like to open up more and talk about my personal mental health problems, but y’all know how my own blog was used against me in court. So, the most I can say is that after making some progress, I’ve had a setback. Of course, upcoming back surgery doesn’t help my confidence. It’s hard to go through something like this alone. I’m scared, to be honest. I think I’m most worried about the recovery aspect and the coordination of events, like getting to and from there and my possession schedule with the kids. The ex has told me not to ask her for any help, so there’s that stress as well.
  • Considering the Pope always wears white, I’m guess it’s the same for his underwear.
  • Tennessee Republican responds to school shooting: ‘We’re not gonna fix it’
    • When asked about how to protect children, like his own daughter, while in school, Burchett said he has opted to homeschool his daughter.
  • Recently arrived Ukrainians in Minneapolis head to Mississippi to help tornado victims
    • The nonprofit American Service based in Minneapolis, along with seven Ukrainian refugees, none who have been in the U.S. for longer than three months, gathered in a caravan Monday before hitting the road for the 2,000-mile roundtrip journey to help render aid.
  • Thousands of pounds of “forever chemicals” have been injected into Texas oil and gas wells, study finds
  • Texas may be about to scrap a voting security system it can’t replaceIt took years to build the multi-state system known as ERIC, which weeds out duplicate, deceased and suspicious voter registrations. Texas Republicans want to dump it, but there’s no viable alternative.
  • Carroll ISD votes to end membership with Texas Association of School Boards –  Carroll ISD has voted to end its membership with the Texas Association of School Boards, becoming the first public school district in the state to do so.
    • The Texas Association of School Boards, an independent agency, said its mission is to “promote educational excellence for Texas schoolchildren through advocacy, visionary leadership, and high-quality services to school districts.” Not the way Harrison said conservative parents see it. “Their tax money is being weaponized against them, it’s being weaponized against their children, and it’s being weaponized against their values by funding an organization that is working to push dangerous woke ideology on school children across the state of Texas,” the Republican from Waxahachie told WFAA.
    • “Woke” is suck a trigger word and I bet most can’t even provide a definition.
  • A Dutch musician who has fathered 550 children is being taken to court to stop his sperm donations and reduce the risk of accidental incest



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Bag of Randomness for Tuesday, March 28, 2023

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